When I was growing up, I thought my Mother was weird (don’t we all – LOL!)
Sometimes she would wake up us while singing ‘Oh What a Beautiful Morning’ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNEUtN21cuU and we would dance around singing with her.
Little did I know (or probably did she know) how much difference these few minutes could make in our day.
Now we know that focusing on such positive messaging and physical movement early in the day is good for us; it sets the mood for the rest of our day. If nothing else, it helps us balance the many stressors we will experience that day.
So, I start my day by dancing to James Brown's 'I Feel Good' or Tina’s ‘The Best.’ This physical movement releases powerful natural 'feel good' chemicals in my body like sex does!
Then, immediately after dancing, I close my eyes and imagine a color, a smell, a song, a word that relates to this good feeling – allow these to intensify in my body and mind and at the height, touch my index finger to my thumb and the natural ‘feel good’ chemicals your body produces lift my mood. If even just a little - sometimes this is all I need at that moment.
PLUS, whenever I need a little happy boost during the day, I touch my index finger to my thumb and remember my color (for me it is purple with silver lightening), my songs, my word (successful) and …
I love dancing to rock ‘n roll and do so as often as possible. I dance like when I was younger, just a little slower.
Baby Boomers Still Rock!
Dancing keeps you young, too!
BTW it's good for your heart, too- https://www.wellandgood.com/dancing-and-heart-health/